In an aquarium, the one thing that really matters is the biological balance:
You can achieve this with:
- sufficient plants, such as the Epaqmat
- beautiful fish
- food, that you can find in the shop, sold with good advice. But it is a lot of choice. More than 7 meters of pots and bottles in your store, isn't it?
We, at Songrow think that this is a little bit complicated and confusing.
Of course you need the plants and the fish, but besides that the only thing that you really need for your balance are BACTERIA!
(all-right, I would neither skip a few elements that cause the color of the plants nor the CO2 and the right amount of light)
a balance.... that means PLANTS, PLANTS, PLANTS .......... HUNREDS of them on a very small surface!
For years we had this Growcap product, full of bacteria and elements. It is perfect, but how will you introduce it in the shops?
It took a while before we had figured this out, but starting today we will show it to you and we will tell you all about this perfect product!