Songrow BV

Maasdijk 29

2676 AA Maasdijk, Nederland

Tel. +31 174 521 980

Fax. +31 174 521 955

Trade Register Haaglanden 271.77071

Rabobank NL06RABO0340375469

Swift adres: RABONL2U

BTW-nr. NL822618692B01

Our products are exclusively sold to professionals.
If you are a consumer and you are interested in our products, you can ask your nearest retailer to contact us.

Songrow is situated in an ideal location on the outskirts of the Westland.
This horticultural region concentrates a large number of experts, advisers, manufacturers and suppliers.
With Flora Holland, the largest flower auction in Europe, and the Greenery, an enormous transhipment terminal for vegetables, nearby, there are conditioned delivery vans departing to all corners of the earth day and night.
So if we search around a bit we are always able to arrange affordable and reliable transport to deliver to you.
There is also a vast amount of knowledge and a huge concentration of suppliers in the Westland.