New: Limnophila sessiliflora on the new strip

This is what you were looking for for such a ling time! Now we made it!

  • A strong and healthy Limnophila sessiliflora (S270) WITHOUT LEAD and WITHOUT FOAM and WITHOUT ROCKWOOL.
  • Finally a real alternative to import-bunches.
  • Grown in our own nursery and free from chemicals.
  • Each plant has roots, is strong and growing.

With our new strip you can offer real plants for the price of a bunch!

And you can present the strip in a great way! You can simply attach it to the Epaqso-System or you can put the strips into your aquarium just like that. One strip consits of 10 bunches. It is very easy to detacht a bunch from the strip. 

In addition every plant has an own lable. That is very handy!

And each week we expand our assortment with different kinds of plants. So that we can finally all plants that we offer as bunches now, can be offert on the strip. 

Now we introduce our S270 Limnophila sessiliflora on a strip!

Here a few special facts:

  • submerge grown
  • that's why it instantly continues to grow
  • fantastic volume 
  • leaves "dance" when onder water
  • the alternative voor the tropical Cabomba, that needs alot of warmth ans grows less environment-friendly

This is realy the next generation aquatic plants!! A budget-eco-plant. 

100% produced in the Netherlands, growing strong, healthy and for a good and fair price. 

Ask for the new strip with your next order and experience all the advantages.


..Limnophila sessiliflora - ambulia (like Cabomba)     Strip-bunch-without led     S270

  • Strip Bunches-without led the luxe (Order / 10)