400 pond plants..... what to choose?
Just pick one of our 11 standard assortments, collected by us and presented on a beautiful selling DC with top label!
The best mix between standard plants and the newest trends!
Especially the terracotta pots are so lovely!
Please contact us at info@songrow.nl to order pond plants!
You can also look at the home-page where you can look at our individual species.
From now on, nothing can stop your pond season!
Our pond plant assortments
Here you can see an overview of our 11 pond plant assortments.
Click here to see a more detailed list in german and in France You can also use the list to send us your order.
V01 P9 Standard assortment (588 plants in P9-pots)
V02 P11 Water lilies, oxygen plants and pond plants(360 plants in P11-cups)
V03 P18 water and oxygen plants (126 plants is P18-pots)
V04 P9, P11 and P18 mix - P9 aquatic plants, P11 water lilies and oxygen plants, P18 aquatic plants (369 plants Great mix)
V05 Floating plants (202 plants Only floating plants of differens sizes)
V06 Floats (sixpack and P12) and terrace (various pot and basket sizes) (90 plants Assortment with i.a. terrace ponds en planted floating rings)
V07 Floating plants & Oxygen plants (288 plants Assortment with i.a. floating plants and oxygen plants)
V08 Mix deco with water lilies, floats, themed sixpack, terrace, large water plants, plants with float ring. (61 plants Very large assortment with i.a. water lilies)
V09 Oxygen plants (282 plants)
V10 Dry blister (190 Blisters)
V11 Terrace decorations (37 plants)
Click here to download the Pond Plants zone image
Click here to take a look at the pricecard with the barcodes that match with the lettercode.
Click here for the pondplant catalogue with a discription of the pondzones.