Unique Way of Work pages

The new Aquaplant Display!

The convenience of self-service without any investment: The Aquaplant Display

Take advantage of our great offer!

New: Aquaplant Display!

Discover the advantages of our new Aquaplant Display!

Our Transportcosts have been decreased!

We have some wonderfull news!

Due to our very good logistic location, nearby the flower-auction of Westland, the Netherlands, our courrier could decrease his prices!


Answers from the Helpdesk

Here you can find answers to your technical questions ( FAQ )!

Limnophila Sessiliflora now available as a bunch!

Our alternative for Cabomba caroliniana is Limnophila sessiliflora. It is now available in bunch! 
Curious about the advantages of this plant? Read more here...


Cabomba and Eichornea forbidden!

Everyone is used to Cabomba caroliniana, but it is a species that is dangerous for the environment. From August 3rd it is forbidden for us to sell it to you. But we have a great alternative!
Limnophila sessiliflora (Ambulia), a great plant dat grows in our greenhouses, strong and with power to grow.

Prey in bags: Handy and hygienic!

Prey is food for pets and not everybody likes touch them or see them in the freezer. That is why we packed them individually: Well protected and almost invisible. Perfect for in your freezer. They are easy to serve and you don't have to touch them.

But don't forget to defrost the prey before you serve it!

Our frozen prooi comes from guaranteed pathogen-free breeding; anaesthetized flash frozen.

Good preparation!

Good preparation!