Facts about bulbs
Just like tulips for example there is a group of aquatic plants, that build up their energy in bulbs. Very often these plants have nice forms and nerves in their leaves or even open structures like the aponogeton, with it’s reticulated leaf through which you can look through!
Starting at the bulb, they often make several leafs, which are so beautiful that you should really give the plant a central space, where it is more or less “alone”.
Most of the time the new leaves/dashes on the plant are still very small when you buy the plant at the shop. But most of the bulb species grow very fast and become beautiful plants as soon as you give them space. The adult size indication you can find on the label.
Some species even make leafs that will grow above the water! It could occur that the bulb does not grow very fast. Maybe it is in its rest period at that moment. It would be best to give the plant some time and a little bit colder water. After this period of rest it will continue growing again!
Planting a bulb
For most bulbs we recommend to plant them into the gravel and cover ¾ of the bulb. They will need quit a bit of nutrition when they are growing. Giving them fertilizer, could be a good idea!
There is one exemption when you plant the plant: the Nympoides Aquatica (banana plant). This plants should NOT be planted under the gravel. On the contrary, the roots personify the plant!
It is very beautiful to fix a Nymphoides Aquatica on a nice piece of wood, like bananas in a tree. You could use the glue from ADM.