Don't miss out on this special plant of the month: Bolbitis heteroclita difformis no. 5081
Bolbitis heteroclita difformis, also known as the "mini-epiphyte fern" or simply "Bolbitis difformis," is a small fern in the Dryopteridaceae family. This plant is popular among aquarium and terrarium enthusiasts for its compact growth, unique leaf structure, and relatively easy care. Here’s an overview of its characteristics and care requirements:
- Bolbitis heteroclita difformis has small, finely divided fronds with a bright green color. The leaves often have a split or lobed form, giving the plant a delicate, graceful appearance.
- The leaves grow from a creeping rhizome, which spreads horizontally across surfaces.
- Its compact growth makes it suitable for aquariums and paludariums, as well as epiphyte setups on wood or rocks in moist terrariums.
- This species stays quite small, typically no taller than 5–10 cm. Its compact size is ideal for small aquascapes and terrarium setups.
Natural Habitat:
- In the wild, Bolbitis heteroclita difformis is native to Southeast Asia, where it thrives in humid, shaded areas, often growing on rocks near streams or in consistently moist environments.
Care Requirements
- This fern prefers moderate to low light. Direct sunlight can cause leaf burn, so indirect or shaded light is ideal in an aquarium or terrarium.
Water Quality:
- Bolbitis heteroclita difformis does best in clean, soft to slightly acidic water. In aquariums, a pH range of 5.5 to 7.5 and low to moderate hardness (GH) are suitable. Regular water changes help keep it healthy.
- The fern can grow fully submerged or partially above water. In aquariums, place it in areas with adequate oxygen, like near a filter outlet or water flow.
- Ideal temperatures are between 18–26°C (64–79°F), typical of tropical aquarium and terrarium environments. Higher temperatures may be tolerated but require extra care in humidity and water quality.
- Being a moisture-loving plant, high humidity is essential, especially in terrariums. In aquariums, it stays naturally moist, but in terrariums, misting it regularly can help maintain its health.
Nutrients and Fertilization:
- In an aquarium, Bolbitis heteroclita difformis benefits from liquid fertilizers containing trace elements. Over-fertilizing, however, can encourage algae growth, so it’s best to be cautious.
- CO₂ injection is not required but can enhance growth if desired.
Attachment and Substrate:
- This fern attaches well to surfaces like driftwood, rocks, or other decorative elements. It’s essential not to bury the roots in substrate or gravel, as they are prone to rot.
- To secure the plant, you can use fishing line or thread until it naturally anchors itself.
- Bolbitis heteroclita difformis propagates via its rhizome, which spreads across the substrate and produces new shoots. By carefully dividing and replanting sections of the rhizome, you can multiply the plant.
- While it may occasionally produce spores in an aquarium, spore propagation is rare in artificial environments.
Special Considerations
- Avoid covering the plant with sediment or gravel, as this can lead to root rot.
- Growth is generally slow, so patience is necessary.
- Its leaves can sometimes attract algae in aquariums. Good water circulation and regular water changes help minimize this.